Little Girl - Carl Mcvoy

Little Girl

Carl Mcvoy


Sometimes, I feel downhearted and just can't go to sleep
And if you should ever leave me, I sit right down and weep
For the rest of my life little girl
Oh little girl, oh little girl
You mean more to me than all of this whole wide world

Sometimes I feel so happy, sometimes I almost cry
And if you should ever leave me, I guess that I would live right here
And die, ie ie little girl
Yeah little girl, oh little girl
You mean more to me than all of this whole wide world

I remember I loved you like that's for sin
Little girl I sure love you
You spawn me with love and kisses
And nobody else will do, little girl

So please, we're gonna get married, and raise a family
And if you should ever leave me, I wanna say little girl I did
For the rest of my life little girl
Oh little girl, oh little girl
You mean more to me than all this whole wide world


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