A Little Peace And Harmony - Jerry Lee Lewis

A Little Peace And Harmony

Jerry Lee Lewis

(Ray Griff, Boogie Woogie Country Man)

You know baby wanted to run right out
I bet not, yes she did
I disagreed and said I thought
We ought to put it off

Listed some of the reasons
I did it, with regret
I told her what we needed most
Before we took that step

And it was, harmony
A little peace and harmony
It's a whole new world, livin' together
Long, long time, it's forever
How 'bout a little peace and harmony

Baby gave me a talkin'
She laid her feelin's down
She said, 'Jerry Lee, you better hurry, boy
'Cause I ain't gonna wait around'

I said 'Honey, take this love
Don't be pushin' Killer, around
The only way we're gonna make it, darlin'
Lay that love right down

Just a little, harmony
A little peace and-a harmony
Well, it's a whole new world, livin' together
A long, long time is forever
About, about a little peace and harmony

Give it to me

About a little peace and harmony

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