
Living's Loving You

Robin Luke

(Robin Luke, DOT 45-15781, 1958)

Well, I'm tired and I've been low
Ever since you let me go
Well, I'm sad, sad and oh so blue
'Cause I found, darling I'm in love with you
You were cryin' when I said goodbye
Now I'm dyin' for another try
Believe me honey I do try (believe me)
Since I just can't find the way
Tears come easy, sleepless nights come too
My heart's cryin', darling all I need is you
You were cryin' when I said goodbye
Now I'm dyin' for another try
Believe me honey, my poor achin' heart
Wants to make a brand new start
'Cause it knows, knows and always knew
I was wrong, darling, living's lovin' you
I was wrong, darling, living's lovin' you
I was wrong, darling, living's lovin' you

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