Local Boy - The Infernos

Local Boy

The Infernos

(The Infernos, GOOFIN' RECORDS 563)

Well, I may not be Marlon Brando
May not be James Dean
Yeah, but if you come out one night with me
I'll show you sights you've never seen

I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy
I'm a local boy
Yeah, a local boy

Well, I'll show you were's best for fishing
Show you sights near and far
We will go 'round the town in the morning
And at night we'll hit a local bar

I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy
I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy

Well, now I've got places to show you
Places you've never been
We'll take upon ride to the mountain top
And sit till the sun goes dim

I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy
I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy

Well, I may not be Marlon Brando
May not be James Dean
But if you come out one night with me
I'll show you sights you've never seen

I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy
I'm a local boy
Well, a local boy

Well, don't you mess with me, 'cause I'm a local boy
Don't you mess with me, I'm a local boy
Don't you mess with me, 'cause I'm a local boy

Also recorded by The Noisy Boys

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