Lonesome Feeling - David Ray

Lonesome Feeling

David Ray

(Ray Smith, KLIFF 105, 1959)

Oh lonesome feeling, my baby's gone
Oh lonesome feeling, I'm all alone
I tell my heart, forget her some way
Lonesome feeling, every night and day

Well, I tried so hard to lose these blues
Well, I just can't win, I was born to lose
I lost my lover, the only one I ever had
Yeah, I got these blues and I got 'em bad

Yeah, the nights are chilly and the days are long
Well, I got these blues, 'cause my baby's gone
If she's gonna come back to me and stay
Then I wouldn't be lonely every night and day

Oh lonesome feeling, my baby's gone
Oh lonesome feeling, I'm all alone
I tell my heart, forget her some way
Lonesome feeling, every night and day
Oh lonesome feeling, every night and day

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