Long Sideburns - Bolean Barry

Long Sideburns

Bolean Barry

(Ruckus Tyler - Tom Tall, Fabor 137, 1956)

There's a fellow I know with long sideburns
He's a real gone cat with long sideburns
He's got a black top and big brown eyes
I'm gonna tell you what, I idolize his
Long sideburns, long sideburns
Long sideburns, long sideburns
He's a real hep cat and he's mighty sweet
I can spot him walking down the street
He's got long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
He's mine, with his long sideburns

(repeat all)

Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
Hey long-long-long sideburns
He's mine, with his long sideburns

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