Long Tall Sally - Little Richard

Long Tall Sally

Little Richard

(Johnson - Penniman - Blackwell, Specialty 572, 1956)

Gonna tell Aunt Mary 'bout Uncle John
He claims he has the mysery, but he has a lotta fun
Oh, baby
Ye-e-e-ah baby
Woo-o-o-oh, baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah

Well, long tall Sally she's build for speed, she got
Everything that Uncle John needs
Oh, baby
Ye-e-e-ah, baby
Woo-o-o-oh, baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah

Well, I saw Uncle John with bold headed Sally
He saw Aunt Mary comin' and he jumped back in the alley
Oh, baby
Ye-e-e-ah, baby
Woo-o-o-oh, baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah... aah!

Well, long tall Sally she's build for speed, she got
Everything that Uncle John needs
Oh, baby
Ye-e-e-ah, baby
Woo-o-o-oh, baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah

Well, I saw Uncle John with bold headed Sally
He saw Aunt Mary comin' and he jumped back in the alley
Oh, baby
Ye-e-e-ah, baby
Woo-o-o-oh, baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah

We're gonna have some fun tonight
Have some fun tonight, woo-oo
Have some fun tonight
Everything's all right
Have some fun
Have me some fun tonight!

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