
Lover's Honeymoon

Jerry Lee Lewis


Ya know your love, has always been me
Every minute of the day
You know darlin' it makes no difference, ever
What the season may be

We take a walk in the spring time
To see the flowers in bloom
Because I know that you're my only girl
I'll take you on a lover's honeymoon

I'll take you on a lover's honeymoon
That's the way I want it to be
Let every season of every year
Seem like the first one to me

And when it rains in the summer
I see a rainbow in your face
Just like the leaves when it turns autumn
Our love all right in place

And whenever cold hard a-winds start blowing
Bringing in old weather songs
I can hold you close, honey
Listen to me, now
That's the way I want it to be
That every season not every year
Seem like the first one to me

(First one to me)

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