Luscious - Roy Hall


Roy Hall

(Greg Callahan, DECCA 9-29880, 1956)

You're quite a gal, and what a gal
Your tall, blond, cute, luscious
Looks, eyes, lips, luscious
You're the kind of a doll that makes others seem dull
You're a hit on any avenue
You're the kind of a girl that gets me in a whirl
I've got a crush on you
I - love - you, luscious

You're quite a gal, and what a gal
Your tall, like a statue Venus de Milo
Blond like a Monroe that makes me yippy-ya-yo
Cute, as a chick that's sweet me-oh-my-oh
Luscious ...
Looks, that can put to shame Cleopatra
Eyes, that can stop the flow of Niagara
Lips, That appeals to make me wanna grab ya
Luscious ...

You're the kind of a doll that makes others seem dull
You're a hit on any avenue
You're the kind of a girl that gets me in a whirl
And I've got a crush on you

I want your heart and I want your kisses
Love - if I could just make you my mrs.
You - are the answer to all of my wishes
Luscious, luscious, luscious
I - love - you - luscious

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