Mad At You - Mack Self

Mad At You

Mack Self

(Mack Self, PHILLIPS INT. 3548, 1957)

I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you
Well, I want your lovin' and I want it bad
But you had to go and make me mad
I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you
Well, I told you once and I'm tellin' you again
I'm tired of you and all your friends

I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you
Well, you say you found another guy
That's all right, I won't cry
I'm tired of your triflin' 'round
And baby I'm puttin' my big foot down
I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you

Well, my cows gone dry and my hens don't lay
Baby she's done gone away
I'm mad at the world, I'm mad at the world
Well, my car won't run and my tires are flat
Got a great big hole in my Sunday hat
I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you

I heard you found another guy
That's all right, I won't cry
I'm tired of your triflin' 'round
And baby I'm puttin' my big foot down
I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you
I'm mad at you

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