Mad Witch - Dave Gardner

Mad Witch

Dave Gardner

(Matthews - Baffa, OLD JUDGE 1006, 1957)

Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey
The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
I felt the bit surge in my mouth
Froth begin to flow
Her leather across my sweated back
Was whiter than the snow
The devil's wife the old mad witch
She used to ride a broom
Now every night she leaves the earth
And rides me to the moon
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey

The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
There she makes a devil's sign
Waves her magic wand
He throws open the fiery gates
Tells her to ride on
Saw the burning brimstone
Saw the fiery cave
Every soul that burns there
Is branded the devil's slave
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey

The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
We're headed back to earth again
These words I heard her say
Your soul belongs to the devil man
You can never change your way
Saw the burning brimstone
Saw the fiery cave
Know that I'm the devil's wife
Now ride into your grave
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey

The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
I felt the bit surge in my mouth
Froth begin to flow
Her leather across my sweated back
Was whiter than the snow
The devil's wife the old mad witch
She used to ride a broom
Now every night she leaves the earth
And rides me to the moon
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey

The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
We're headed back to earth again
These words I heard her say
Your soul belongs to the devil man
You can never change your way
Saw the burning brimstone
Saw the fiery cave
Know that I'm the devil's wife
Now ride into your grave
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey

The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me
Ho-dee-oh-ho-ho, ho-dee-oh-hey
The devil's wife the old mad witch
She's a riding me

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