
Makin' Love

Floyd Robinson

(Floyd Robinson, RCA 47-7529, 1959)

What would people say?
What would people do?
What would people think
If people knew I was with you?

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

What would people think?
What if people knew?
Instead of bein' off to school
All day I was with you

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

I don't care what they think
I don't care what they do
Don't care what they care about
All I ever care about is you

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

Would people start to talk?
Would people start to frown?
If people knew the things we say
Would envy over town

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

What would the teacher do?
What would the teacher say?
What would the teacher do
If the teacher knew, we's out all day

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

I don't care what they think
Don't care what they do
I don't care what they care about
All I ever care about is you

Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love
Makin' lo-ove, makin' love

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