Mary Lou - Ted Daigle & The Tremolos

Mary Lou

Ted Daigle & The Tremolos

(Ted Daigle, RODEO 45-RO.219, 1959)

Well, I love my Mary Lou
And my love for her is true
No one else will ever do
I just love my Mary Lou

Well, I first met Mary Lou at a highschool dance
When I layed my eyes on her I went in a trance
Then I asked Mary Lou for a dance
And the way she held me, I knew it was romance

Well, I asked if I could take her home that night
And maybe I might get to hold her tight
A kiss or two I might steal
Then I'll know her love for me is real

Well, I love my Mary Lou
And my love for her is true
No one else will ever do
I just love my Mary Lou

When the gang all gathers 'round
They can see I got the nicest chick in town
Yeah, we made plans to settel down
And now I'm the happiest boy in town

Well, I love my Mary Lou
And my love for her is true
No one else will ever do
I just love my Mary Lou

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