No Teasing Around - Billy "The Kid" Emerson

No Teasing Around

Billy "The Kid" Emerson

(Emerson, SUN 195, 1954)

Recorded in Memphis; January 11, 1954 (Delta Music)

Billy Emerson - vocal, piano
Eugene Fox, Oliver Sain - saxes
Ike Turner - guitar
Jesse Knight - bass
Willie Simms - Drums

I don't want nobody teasing 'round with me
I don't want no-nobody teasing 'round with me
I may be week, I may be strong
I may be right and I may be wrong
I don't want no-nobody teasing 'round with me

I've been in love lately, I'm not a fool you see
You left my heart here aching with a lonely memory
So, say you want me, you want me bad
I'll give you lovin' that you never had
I don't want no-nobody teasing 'round with me

I may be deaf, I may be blind
But I can talk and I'm sure gonna speak my mind
I don't want no-nobody teasing 'round with me

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