Belle Of The Suwanee - Tracy Pendarvis

Belle Of The Suwanee

Tracy Pendarvis

(Tracy Pendarvis, SUN 359, 1961)

Way down south, deep in Dixie
There's a little country town
There the buttonwood's bloomin'
While the moon shines down
There my sweetheart's waitin'
By that river cold
Oh, how I yearn to kiss her
While my lips grow old
Belle of the Suwanee she's true
Queen of my heart and she's blue
Oh, how I yearn to be
Back home with my Belle of Suwanee

Belle of the Suwanee she's true
Queen of my heart and she's blue
Oh, how I yearn to be
Back home with my Belle of Suwanee
Hear the bobwhites callin'
Echo through the pines
Oh, how I love my bella
My bella, my bella she's mine
Belle of the Suwanee she's true
Queen of my heart and she's blue
Oh, how I yearn to be
Back home with my Belle of Suwanee
Home with my Belle of Suwanee
Back home with my Belle of Suwanee
Back home with my Belle of Suwanee

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