Beyond The Heartbreak (But Still In Love) - Ral Donner

Beyond The Heartbreak (But Still In Love)

Ral Donner

(Ral Donner, REPRISE R-20 192, 1963)

I pass you on the street every day
But it don't hurt like yesterday
And I'm beyond the heartbreak
But still in love

And I don't stand there and tremble when you walk by
I couldn't cry even if I tried
And I'm beyond the heartbreak
But still in love

Oh yes, I used to stay up at night
And I'd break right down and cry
When I was all alone
I thought I would die-ie-ie

But now I am still living just like before
Love her still bad, then it hurts no more
When you're beyond the heartbreak
But still in love
Beyond the heartbreak, yeah-yeah
But still in love
Beyond the heartbreak, yeah-yeah
But still in love

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