Rock And Roll On A Saturday Night - Dwain Bell

Rock And Roll On A Saturday Night

Dwain Bell

(Bell - Little, SUMMIT 110, 1959)

Late in the evening about sun down
I get a feeling gotta go to town
Even if it's only just to fool around
So hurry up baby, get your hair tied down
It's a getting late and the sun's going down
And I'm in a hurry, gotta get to town

Let's rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I can do the rock 'n' roll all night
Gonna rock 'n' roll this night upright
Let's do the rock 'n' roll tonight
Grab your baby and hold her tight
There's just one night like a Saturday night

Towards the end of a Saturday night
My feet get jumpy and my head gets light
Gonna rock 'n' roll this night upright
Let's do the rock 'n' roll tonight
Grab your baby and hold her tight
There's just one night like a Saturday night

Let's rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I can do the rock 'n' roll all night
Gonna rock 'n' roll this night a-bright
Let's do the rock 'n' roll tonight
Grab your baby and hold her tight
There's just one night like a Saturday night

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