Big Muddy - Larry Dale

Big Muddy

Larry Dale

(Richburg - Stone, GLOVER 203, 1960)

Big Muddy Mississippi, I'm coming back, back home to you
I'm comin' rockin' and a-rollin', just the way you do
Big Muddy, you ole muddy river
Don't you know, you know you got it made
Don't have to worry 'bout eatin' or the landlord gettin' paid

I'm gonna rock along with you and see the finest greens
From old St. Louis down to New Orleans
I'm forgettin' about my troubles, I'm leavin' 'em all behind
I'm gonna rock 'n' roll my baby till I lose my mind
Big Muddy, I'm comin' home to you
I'm comin' rockin' and a-rollin', just the way you do
I'm gonna rock through the sand
I'm gonna roll through the mud
I'm cover everything just like the Mississippi flood
Big Muddy, I'm gonna stay with you
And keep a-rockin' and a rollin', just the way you do

And when my rockin' days are over, don't let 'em burry me
Just throw me in the river and let me a-roll out to sea
Big Muddy, I'm comin' home to you
I'm comin' rockin' and a-rollin', just the way you do
I'm comin' rockin' and a-rollin', just the way you do
I'm comin' home rockin', just the way you do

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