Big River - Johnny Cash

Big River

Johnny Cash

(J.R. Cash, Sun 283, 1958)

Now I taught the weepin' willow how to cry
And I showed the clouds to cover up a clear blue sky
And the tears I cried for that woman
Are gonna flood you big river
And I'm gonna sit right here until I die
I met her accidently in St.Paul's, Minnesota
And it tore me up everytime I heard her drawl, southern drawl
And I heard my dream went back down stream
To Borden and Davenport
And I followed you big river when you called
(Oh. guitar!)

Then you took me to St.Louis, later on down the river
A freighter said she's been here, but she's gone, boy she's gone
I found her trail back in Memphis
But she just walked up the bluff
She raised a few eyebrows and then she went on down alone
Now won't you betten down by Baton Rouge
River queen rollin' on
Take that woman on down to New Orleans, New Orleans
Go on, I've had enough, dumped my blues down in the gulf
She loves you big river, more than me

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