Bigelow - Jean Vincent


Jean Vincent

(Woody - Simmons, Rockhouse, 1994)

There is a number to call if you want my lovin'
The number to call if you want turtle dovin'
The number I'll be waiting all night long
'Cause I'm waitin' and waitin' for you to phone
Bigelow 6-2-0-0

What's the matter, what's the matter, why don't you call?
Don't you love your little baby no more at all?
Waitin' and waitin', can't do anything
'Cause I'm waitin' for the doggone phone to ring
Bigelow 6-2-0-0

Well, baby dial my number
You said you would phone
I'm so broken-hearted
Please don't wait too long

Well, I thought a-pretty baby that we had a fight
And you left me the other night
But if the phone doesn't ring in a minute or two
I think pretty baby I-I'll call you
Bigelow 6-2-0-0 (Make that call!)

Well, baby dial my number
You said you would phone
I'm so broken-hearted
Please don't wait too long

Well, I thought a-pretty baby that we had a fight
And you left me the other night
But if the phone doesn't ring in a minute or two
I think pretty baby I-I'll call you
Bigelow 6-2-0-0

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