Bird Dog - Don Woody

Bird Dog

Don Woody

(Woody - Simmons, DECCA 30277, 1957)

Well they call me birddog 'cause I'm just like a hound
Wherever there's women, well a-that's where I'm found
Well they call me birddog 'cause I'm just like a pup
Well I'm always birddoggin', I never give up
Birddog... birddog
Well birddoggin' daddy, I'll get me a woman you'll see
Well they call me birddog 'cause I'm hunting chicks
Everybody wonders how I find 'em so quick
Whenever I hear there's a new girl in town
Well pretty soon she gonna find me hangin' around
Birddog... birddog
Well birddoggin' daddy, I'll get me a woman you'll see

Well they call me birddog 'cause I'm on the prowl
I stay up late at night and you oughta hear me howl
To lead a dog's life, some say is bad
But I can tell you people of the fun I've had
Birddog... birddog
Well birddoggin' daddy, I'll get me a woman you'll see

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