Shake Your Hips - Slim Harpo

Shake Your Hips

Slim Harpo

(James Moore, EXCELLO 2278, 1966)

I wanna tell you 'bout a dance, that's goin' around
Everybody's doin' it, from the grown-ups down
Don't have to move your head, don't have to move your hands
Don't have to move your lips, just shake you hips
And do the hip shake baby, and do the hip shake baby
Do the hip shake baby, shake your hips baby
Now if you don't know, don't be afraid
Just listen to me, and do what I said
Don't move your head, don't move your hands
Don't move your lips, just shake you hips
Do the hip shake baby, do the hip shake baby
Do the hip shake baby, shake your hips baby
Now ain't this e-e-e-e-e-e-easy

Well I met a little girl, in a country town
She says, what'd ya know; there's Slim Harpo
I didn't move my head, I didn't move my hands
I didn't move my lips, just shook our hips
She did the hipshake baby, do the hipshake baby
Do the hip shake baby, shake your hips baby
Now ain't this e-e-e-e-e-e-easy

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