Steady With Betty - Benny Joy

Steady With Betty

Benny Joy

(Eidson - Singleton, Dixie 2001, 1958)

Well I got a little gal, she wants to go steady
But her old man says that we ain't ready
But I don't care what her old man says
Hold it fellows
Well I gotta go steady, steady with Betty
I gotta go steady, steady with Betty
I gotta go steady, steady with Betty
I gotta go steady, steady with Betty
I gotta go steady, 'cause Betty's the girl I love
Well her old man's a stick of dynamite
When you make him mad, blow off the fight
When it comes to Betty, he's a wild guy
Oh-oh boy is he in sight
Yeah we're now going steady, me and Betty
Yeah we're going steady, me and Betty
We're now going steady 'cause we done fell in love
Betty sneaks around to see where we can hide
We hide behind a bush, everything's all right
Her daddy's just not the kind of guy
To break us up just for spite
Yeah we're now going steady, me and Betty
Yeah we're going steady, me and Betty
We're now going steady 'cause we done fell in love
(Yeah, let's go steady, boy!)

Well Betty's a very sensible girl
She loves me on and she won't ever fail
She told her daddy that we were in love
Betty's now my lovely love

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