The Stroll - The Diamonds

The Stroll

The Diamonds

(Clyde Otis - Nancy Lee, Mercury 71242, 1957)

Come, let's stroll
Stroll across the floor
Come, let's stro-oh-oh-oll
Stroll across the floor
Now turn around, baby
Let's stroll once more

Feel so good
Take me by my hand
I feel so goo-ooh-ooh-ood
Take me by my hand
And let's go strolling
In wonderland

Strollin', whoa yeah
Strollin', aah-huh-uh
Rock and ro-uh-oh-oh-oh-oh-llin'
Well, rock my so-oul
How I love to stroll

There's my love
Strolling in the door
There's my lo-o-o-ove
Strolling in the door
Baby, let's go strolling
By the candy store

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