Sweet Rockin

Sweet Rockin' Baby

Sonee West

(Kaliff - Westbrook, NOR VA JAK WA, 1956)

Well she can bop to the left she can bop to the right
She can bop the blues all through the night
She's the boppin-est gal in town, she's the boppin-est gal in town
Well my sweet rockin' baby is the boppin-est gal in town

She can keep you in the corner till the cats have gone
With the wigglin' and the squirmin' and carryin' on
She's the boppin-est gal in town, she's the boppin-est gal in town
Well my sweet rockin' baby is the rockin-est gal in town

Well when the dance is over and it's time to say goodnight
My sweet rockin' baby she don't wanna say goodnight
She's the boppin-est gal in town, she's the boppin-est gal in town
Well my sweet rockin' baby is the boppin-est gal in town

Well if you like to do the rock if you like to do the roll
Take my sweet rockin' baby and do the rock and roll
She's the boppin-est gal in town, she's the rollin-est gal in town
Well my sweet rockin' baby is the rockin-est gal in town

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