Blue Eyes - Teencats

Blue Eyes


(Reiten - Westhagen - Huldt, SONET SCD 15027, 1991)

See that gal walking down the street
In those tight blue jeans, looking really neat
What would I do, oh my
If she only felt the same way too

Blue Eyes, I love you, oh-oh-oh
Blue Eyes, my heart's for you
Blue Eyes, I'm only thinking of you
And Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you

I even cried, that things should be this way
If I told her so, what would she say
I guess I'll never know
Oh my, I never dared to let it show

Blue Eyes, I love you, oh-oh-oh
Blue Eyes, my heart's for you
Blue Eyes, I'm only thinking of you
And Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you

Blue Eyes, I love you
Blue Eyes, my heart's for you
Blue Eyes, I'm only thinking of you
And Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you

Blue Eyes, I love you, oh-oh-oh
Blue Eyes, my heart's for you
Blue Eyes, I'm only thinking of you
And Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you
Oh Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you
Oh Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you
Oh Blue Eyes, I wish I were tied to you

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