Tell Me - Louisiana Red

Tell Me

Louisiana Red

(Iverson Minter, )

Tell me who that, mama
Who that come here while I go
Tell me who that, mama
Who that come here while I go
Yeah, when I come in
Who that went out by the door

He come on 'bout me runnin'
Lookin' like a garbage can
Lipstick on his collar
And his shoes in his hand

Tell me who that, mama,
Who that here a while I go
Yeah, when I come in
Who that went out my door

I gotta gonna get my shotgun
I'm gonna load it up with shells
I'm gonna shoot that man down
If he don't watch his self


I got a pistol or two in the corner
Then shoot you up with that .45
Better watch yourself now woman
Or you won't stay alive


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