Blue Jeans And A Boy

Blue Jeans And A Boy's Shirt

Glen Glenn

(Glen troutman, Dore 914)

Well in a-blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's mine
Well in a-blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's fine
Well at the recordhop or the drive-in show
She's always ready to rock 'n' roll
Yeah, blue jeans and a boy's shift, she's mine
Well in a-blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's tough
When we kiss, she never gets enough
She's sweet sixteen and a teenage queen
The finest chick you ever seen
In a-blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's mine
Well, all the guys wanna take her out, but it just can't be done
She tells all the guys that ask, I'm the only one
Oh, in a-blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's tough
When-a she's feelin' fine, she likes to rock
She likes to hear a wall of sax
When they do there's nothing lax
In blue jeans and a boy's shirt, she's mine

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