
That's All

Onie Wheeler

(Onie Wheeler, SUN UNISSUED, 1957)

I don't need any pills, to go to sleep
I just need a little woman to scratch my feet
That's all, whooee, that's all
I just need a little lovin'
Like -a petting and -a hugging
That's all

Now I ain't sick, from drinkin' that -a wine
Now I can touch the hand that makes me rise and shine
That's all, whooee, that's all
I just need a little lovin'
Like -a petting and -a hugging
That's all

On account of you, I got the bug
But I take it like a man from one little bitty hug
That's all, whooee, that's all
I just need a little lovin'
Like -a petting and -a hugging
That's all

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