Tupelo County Jail - Webb Pierce

Tupelo County Jail

Webb Pierce

(Webb Pierce, Mel Tillis, DECCA, 1958)

Come on and write, write, write me a letter
Send that letter by mail
Send that letter in care of
The Tupelo County Jail
Wish me the best of luck, Dear
There's no one here to my bail
Never been a place so lonely
As the Tupelo County Jail

Fill that letter full a kisses
I'm gonna have me a ball
Baby, kisses on paper
Are better than no kisses at all

Come on and write, write, write me a letter
Send that letter by mail
Send that letter in care of

The Tupelo County Jail


Fill that letter full a kisses
I'm gonna have me a ball
Baby, kisses on paper
Are better than no kisses at all

Come on and write, write, write me a letter
Send that letter by mail
Send that letter in care of
The Tupelo County Jail
The Tupelo County Jail
The Tupelo County Jail

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