Undefeat Feeling - Rhythm

Undefeat Feeling

Rhythm' Train

(Urs Odermatt, RHYTHM RECORDS 001, 2002)

I'm ride on my bike
From a vally to the hills
My Guitar hangin' on my back
The streets are steep
Dusty and verry dirty
Well I feel, I feel me wonderful

The wind play in my strings
A greatly melodie
Well I'm rockin', I'm rollin in my blue
I feel me free and undefeat
Sometimes a little crazy
Yeah I'm drive, when I be set in blue

It's a long, long way
To lose my dirty feeling
But with ma Bike, are 18 miles allright
Every brocken heart
Grow again together
It's never exist, but I can't die

The wind play in my strings
A greatly melodie
Well I'm rockin', I'm rollin in my blue
I feel me free and undefeat
Sometimes a little crazy
Yeah I'm drive, when I be set in blue

When I comes with my bike
On top of the hills
I sit down and smoke my cigarette
My thought's puttin' right
I feel me free and lucky
The mountains are my home

Courtesy of Urs Odermatt

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