A Violet And A Rose - Mel Tillis

A Violet And A Rose

Mel Tillis

(Mel Tillis - Bud Auge - John Reinfield, COLUMBIA 41189, 1958)

A violet fell in love with a rose
And started it blushing from its head to its toe
Then one day the rose was kissed by the dew
A new love was born and the violet turned blue

Roses are red, violets are blue
I'm sending red, red roses to you
If you care to send some flowers to me
Then send me some violets, I'm blue as can be

I wanted, my love, to bouquet with you
But just like the rose, you've proven untrue
A flower that's wild, they say has no home
And just like the violet, I'm left all alone

Also recorded by Wanda Jackson (CAPITOL 5142, 1964)

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