Wild Eyed Woman - Bob Luman

Wild Eyed Woman

Bob Luman


Well, there's a wild eyed woman sittin' across the room
A-ballin' her eyes, she'll be my doom
A-sittin' there teasin' with evil on her mind
She's after my money and not my time
Well, she's got me starin', I just can't quit
But she don't care one little bit
Can't stand no more, she's gonna win
That wild eyed woman's gone done it again

I might as well give up, 'cause I'm caught in a trap
I can't call my mom, I ain't got no pal
I tried everything, but temptation is strong
I might as well face it, I'm gone-gone
Well, she's got me starin', I just can't quit
But she don't care one little bit
Can't stand no more, she's gonna win
That wild eyed woman's gone done it again

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