Bop Man Bop - Doug Amerson

Bop Man Bop

Doug Amerson

(, INTRASTATE 1SR-25, 1955)

Oh, bop with me honey, while the music is fine
Bop with me honey, won't you hold on tight
We'll stay up late and shimmy and shake
Dance all night till the break of day
A-bop man bop, bop man bop
A-bop man, bop man, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Bop-bop, bop bop

When you bop with me honey, give me lots of room
And hope that music don't stop too soon
We'll leave the dancefloor for an hour or so
Then come on back and bop some more
A-bop man bop, bop man bop
A-bop man, bop man, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Do-dee-ooh-dee-ooh-dee, bop man bop
Bop-bop, bop bop

Also recorded by Hank C. Burnette

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