Yakety Yak - Mac & Jake And The Esquire Trio

Yakety Yak

Mac & Jake And The Esquire Trio

(Reece Fleming - W. Mashburn, METEOR 5022, 1955)

Grandpa Jones was a good old man
There was one thing that he couldn't stand
He grabbed his cane and then he packed
When grandma started that yakety-yak

He said, I'll be walking while you're talking
Yes, I'll be walk-walk-walking along
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, go, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Hey, yak-yak-yakety-yak, oow, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, yakety-yakety-yakety-yak

I told Kaw-Liga what he'd missed
Why not ever has a-been kissed
But he said, I don't agree Mac
I don't have to listen to that yakety-yak

He said, I've been walking while she's talking
Yes, I've been walk-walk-walking along
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, go, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Hey, yak-yak-yakety-yak, oow, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, yakety-yakety-yakety-yak

Me and my wife were doing just swell
Until she started to raise some (hell) ah-ah!
Then I left and I haven't been back
Since the night she started that yakety-yak

I said, I'll be walking while you're talking
Yes, I'll be walk-walk-walking along
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, go, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Hey, yak-yak-yakety-yak, oow, yak-yak-yakety-yak
Yak-yak-yakety-yak, yakety-yakety-yakety-yak

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