Bop Crazy Baby - Vern Pullens

Bop Crazy Baby

Vern Pullens

(B. Hess - D. Jones, SPADE 45-1927, 1956)

It's bop, bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
She's my bop crazy baby and she's mine, all mine
Well, bop baby!

Fun lovin' dame and she's no square
But she's got what it takes to make a blind man stare
She's my bop crazy baby
Hey, bop crazy baby
She's my bop crazy baby and she's mine, all mine
Well, bop it baby!

When she starts boppin', everybody gets around
To see her pick 'em up and put 'em down
With a cute little wiggle, makes you wanna shout
Her knees turn to jelly and your eyes pop out
She's my bopcat baby
Hey, my bopcat baby
She's my bop crazy baby and she's mine, all mine

It's bop, bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
Bop-bop, bop crazy baby
She's my bop crazy baby and she's mine, all mine

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