
Boppin' In The Dark

Dub Dickerson


I took my baby to the riverside spot
It's the place we call our favourit drop
Where the music is loud, jivin', and it's hot
But you walk in and your heels makes you wanna do the bop

The place has a candle and it's not very bright
But the cover charge's free, so who's gonna bark
Along came a cool cat and blew out the light
Left me and my baby bop-boppin' in the dark

Boppin' in the dark, bop-bop-bop, bop-bop-bop, bop
Boppin' in the dark, bop-bop-bop, bop-bop-bop
Nobody took a bother to strike up a spark
And left me and my baby boppin' in the dark

The thing I like most is the touch of her lips
When she's holding me close saying, honey don't stop
Reelin' and a-rockin' like a couple of ships
But she's floatin' on air, makes you wanna do the bop

I kissed her and I kissed her and I kissed her again
It's a real gone feelin', makes you sing like a lark
Well, I'm gonna kiss her every time I can
When me and my baby is bop-boppin' in the dark

Boppin' in the dark, bop-bop-bop, bop-bop-bop, bop
Boppin' in the dark, bop-bop-bop, bop-bop-bop
Nobody took a bother to strike up a spark
And left me and my baby bop-boppin' in the dark

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