
Ain't That A Shame

Fats Domino

(A. Domino - D. Bartholomew, Imperial 5348, 1955)

You made me cry, when you said good-bye
Ain't that a shame? my tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame? you're the one to blame

You broke my heart, when you said we'll part
Ain't that a shame? my tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame? you're the one to blame

Oh well, good-bye, although, I'll cry
Ain't that a shame? my tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame? you're the one to blame


You made me cry, when you said good-bye
Ain't that a shame? my tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame? you're the one to blame

Oh well, good-bye, although, I'll cry
Ain't that a shame? my tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame? you're the one to blame!

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