Bow My Back - Buck Griffin

Bow My Back

Buck Griffin

(Griffin, MGM K12439, 1957)

Well, it seems like I always got to bow my back
If I git anything I gotta bow my back
To have a decent livin'
Baby, you know I gotta bow my back
You want pretty things, I got to bow my back
To give a decent livin'
Don't you think you got the ball rollin' your way
And think I have to pay up your bills everyday
Liftin' heavy iron every day onto four
Draggin' with my mustle achin', feelin' awful sore
But I'm tryin' to make a livin'

When you go uptown I gotta bow my back
You spent every dime, I have to bow my back
Just to give a decent livin'
You got to stop it baby, 'cause it givin' me a pain
Put my money up and save it for a day to rain
Now I'm tryin' to make a livin'
Don't you think you got the ball rollin' your way
And think I have to pay up your bills everyday
Liftin' heavy iron every day onto four
Draggin' with my mustle achin', feelin' awful sore
But I'm tryin' to make a livin'

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