Boys Do Cry - Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones

Boys Do Cry

Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones

(J. Bennett - W. Arthur, PARIS 45-537, 1959)

Did you ever love someone, just as I love you
Did they love somebody else, break your heart in two
You cried a million tears, sighed a thousand sighs
I would have too, but boys don't cry

You played me for a fool, but I didn't mind
Just like everybody said, love is always blind
Tore my heart right out of me, when you said goodbye
Tears, I know, would set me free, but boys don't cry

Each night when I go to bed, say a prayer for you
Feel so empty down inside, don't know what I'll do
Listen to me darling, I told you a lie
I found out some time ago that boys do cry
Ooh-ooh, boys do cry
Ooh-ooh, boys do cry

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