Butterscotch Candy And Strawberry Pie - The Americans

Butterscotch Candy And Strawberry Pie

The Americans

(Roberts, Crest 1025, 1956)

Butterscotch candy and strawberry pie
Gonna love my baby till the day that I die
'Cause of butterscotch candy and strawberry pie
Well I met my baby in a goodies shop
Sellin' butterscotch candy and soda pop and strawberry pie
Now I said, pretty baby I love your eyes
But in the back of my mind were those strawberry pies
So I said, pretty baby won't you please be mine
Butterscotch candy and strawberry pie
Gonna love my baby till the day that I die
'Cause of butterscotch candy and strawberry pie
Now she said yes and we were wed
In a butterscotch church on a strawberry bed
In the middle of May on the sunniest day of all
Now I'll eat my fill of strawberry pie
And butterscotch candy till the day that I die
My baby and I gonna have ourselves a ball

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