Buzz, Buzz A Diddle It - Freddy Cannon

Buzz, Buzz A Diddle It

Freddy Cannon

(Frank C. Slay, Jr. - Bob Crewe, SWAN 4071, 1961)

Well, I was goin' down the highway
To see my baby Ruth
Car broke down, tyre blew out
Found a telephone booth

I tried to call my honey
What was the sound I had to hear
Buzz-buzz a-diddle it, buzz-buzz a-diddle it
It was some old shakin' hound dog
Obviously talkin' to my dear
Buzz-buzz a-diddle it, buzz-buzz a-diddle it

Central seven
Who's on that line?
Break through to my baby
Three, o, nine, three, nine

Oh, S.O.S. sweet mama
Switch me to heaven, get me through
Buzz-buzz a-diddle it, buzz-buzz a-diddle it
Telephone operator
My lovin' future hangs on you
Buzz-buzz a-diddle it, buzz-buzz a-diddle it

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