Cadillac In Model "A" - Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys

Cadillac In Model "A"

Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys

(Wills, M-G-M 11883, 1954)

Well, I'm a plain country boy and I work on a farm
I mind my own business, don't do no harm
The time rolls around and it's Saturday
I'm gonna Cadillac the town in my Model "A"
I'm gonna Cadillac the town in my Model "A"

I'm gonna drive down that old Main Street
While them four cylinders is a-settin' the beat
The people will look and I'll hear 'em say
Listen to the Cadillac in Model "A"
Listen to the Cadillac in Model "A"

Well, I'm gonna pick up my sweet-sweet-sweet
We'll go honky tonkin' at the county seat
And we're gonna dance till the break of day
Then Cadillac home in my Model "A"
We're gonna Cadillac home in my Model "A"

On the way home I'm gonna stop and park
I know that we're gonna wanna spark
Now we'll make love, set our wedding day
And Cadillac to the altar in my Model "A"
Cadillac to the altar in my Model "A"

Also recorded by Billy Jack Wills

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