
Cattin' Around

Charlie Adams

(Adams - Delamar, COLUMBIA 21355, 1955)

Well, I'm a married man, I got a lovin' wife
But my cattin' around nearly cost my life
I was a-cattin' around, yeah cattin' around
Well, I lost my baby when she caught me cattin' around

Now, I went honky-tonkin' to have some fun
My wife came in, she caught me with a blonde
She caught me cattin' around, yeah cattin' around
Well, I lost my baby when she caught me cattin' around

Well, she looked like a tiger when she walked in
I knew right there I had to pay for my sin
For my cattin' around, yeah cattin' around
Well, I lost my baby when she caught me cattin' around

Well, she picked up a bottle and she hit me over the head
Took thirty-three stitches and I thought I was dead
I was a-cattin' around, yeah cattin' around
Well, I lost my baby when she caught me cattin' around

All you married man take my advice
If you're cattin' around, you better have nine lives
If you're cattin' around, yeah cattin' around
Well, I lost my baby when she caught me cattin' around

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