Change Places With Me - Jerry Lee Lewis

Change Places With Me

Jerry Lee Lewis

(Maria A. Kilroy - David Wilkins, ELECTRA RECORDING, 1971)

Mama's arms used to hold me
How it helped when I went wrong
The other women in my life
Helped me sing the hurtin' song

This old piano is my best friend
The old stage is my home
Ya' think I've got it made, friend?
Well let me show you where you're wrong

Change places with me
Just let me sit at your table
I'll pretend that I'm you
Then I can do the things
That you so freely do

Pretend that you're me
And sing 'em all them old sad songs
You stand accused
Let the world look at you
Change places with me

(Instrumental & piano)

Ya gotta play that old piano
Sing the songs they want to hear
At first it won't come easy
I've been doing it for years

Ya gotta sing them songs with feelin', son
After all the feeling's gone
Ya think I've got it made friend
Well, let me show you where you're wrong

Change places with me
Just let me sit at your table
I'll pretend that I'm a-you
Then I can do the things
That you so freely do

Pretend that you're me
Sing them old sad songs
Brother, you stand accused
Let the world look at you
Change places with me

Hey, brother you stand accused
Let the world look at you
Change places with me

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