Cheat On Me Baby - The Rockin

Cheat On Me Baby

The Rockin' Saints

(William Crandall Jr. - Hayden Brown, DECCA 9-31144, 1959)

Just cheat on me baby
Till you can't cheat no more
Yeah, cheat on me baby
Till you can't cheat no more
Well, till you're tired
And you can't stow no more

Yeah, you learned to love well
All of my boyfriends say
Yeah, you learned to love well, pretty baby
All of my boyfriends say
For now I'm a-goin'
Goin' far away, oh yeah
I'm movin' out, gone away
Don't call me honey
I'll be gone to stay

Just cheat on me baby
I've gone away, oh yeah
Now, don't call me honey
I'm out to spend my pay
(Oh guitar now!)

Yeah, you learned to love well
All of my boyfriends say, yeah
Yeah, you learned to love well, pretty baby
All of my boyfriends say
But now I'm a-goin'
Goin' far away, oh yeah
Oh, I'm movin' out, gone away
Don't call me honey
I'll be gone to stay

Just cheat on me baby
I've gone away, oh yeah
Now, don't call me honey
I'm out to spend my pay

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