Chicka Chicka Honey - Robin Luke

Chicka Chicka Honey

Robin Luke

(Robin Luke, BERTRAM INT. 45-208, 1958)

Got my homework squared away
Hot rod's runnin' good today
Full of gas, so what'd ya say, let's move
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you

Friends all say I got it rough
Just one girlfriend ain't enough
Spread it 'round, go strut your stuff, and ooh-ooh
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you

Why waste tonight when it's all plain to see
That you're the one, the only one for me
Someday soon you'll sure be mine
Morning, evening, all the time
Laughin', lovin', livin' fine, and ooh-ooh
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you

Why waste tonight when it's all plain to see
That you're the one, the only one for me
Someday soon you'll sure be mine
Morning, evening, all the time
Laughin', lovin', livin' fine, and ooh-ooh
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you

Someday soon you'll sure be mine
Morning, evening, all the time
Laughin', lovin', livin' fine, and ooh-ooh
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you
Chicka chicka honey, honey I'm with you

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