Choo Choo Ch

Choo Choo Ch'boogie

Louis Jordan

(V. Horton - D. Darling - M. Gabler, Mercury 71023, 1956)

Headin' for the station with a pack on my back
Tired of transportation in the back of a hack
I love to hear the rhythm of the clickety-clack
Hear the lonesome whistle, see the smoke from the stack
Pal around with Democratic fellows named Mac
Take me right back to the track, Jack

Choo choo, choo choo ch'boogie
Woo woo, woo woo ch'boogie
Choo choo, choo choo ch'boogie
Take me right back to the track, Jack

You wake up in the morning feelin' sharp as a tack
You open up a pack and then you gobble a snack
Then smoke a ciggarette you didn't get in the pack
While takin' off your shoes so you can empty the slack
Ain't nothing you can do about the dough that you lack
But beat it right back to the track, Jack


You reach your destination but alas in a lack
You need some compensation to get back in the black
You take a morning paper from the top of the rack
And read the situation from the front to the back
The only job that's open needs a man with a knack
You put it right back in the rack, Jack


Gonna settle down by the railroad track
Live the life of Riley in the beaten-down shack
So when I hear the whistle I can peep through the crack
And watch the train a-rollin' when it's ballin' the jack
I just love the rhythm of the clickety-clack
Take me right back to the track, Jack


Take me right back to the track, Jack!
Take me right back to the track, Jack!

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