Circle Rock - Lloyd

Circle Rock

Lloyd 'cowboy' Copas

(Lou Adler - Herb Albert, DOT 15735, 1958)

Grab your partner for the circle rock
All take hands and form a clock
Swing and sway and stay in place
Spin a little pretty around with grace
Gather in the middle and all raise hands
Back we go and all clap hands
Wiggle and waggle and touch the floor
Grab your partner and swing some more

Grab your partner for the circle rock
All take hands and form a clock
Swing and sway and stay in place
Spin a little pretty around with grace
Gather in the middle and all raise hands
Back we go and all clap hands
Wiggle and waggle and touch the floor
Grab your partner and swing some more

All take hands and form that clock
Now you're doin' the circle rock

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