Cool Baby - Lee Cole

Cool Baby

Lee Cole

(Lee Cole, MIST MI 1010/1, 1959)

I saw a cool cool chick walkin' down the street
Hey, that's the kind of woman I would like to meet
The coolest little queen of all the queens
She wore a bright red shirt, a pair of tight blue jeans

Cool baby, she's got a dimple in her chin
Cool baby, she got my head in a spin
Cool baby, oh what you do to me

I said, now come on over baby, let's talk a little while
She came up walkin' straight to me with a great big smile
There's a juke joint a-waitin' in the very next block
You put a quarter in the jukebox and rock, rock, rock

Cool baby, she's got a dimple in her chin
Cool baby, she got my head in a spin
Cool baby, oh what you do to me

Well, we danced and we bopped till my shoes wore thin
She said, play another song, let's do it all again
I got a pocket full of nickels, way fifteen mo'
She said, live it up man and let's go, go, go

Cool baby, she's got a dimple in her chin
Cool baby, got my head in a spin
Cool baby, oh what you do to me

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